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  • 德國 (2003-12-04) Information on the proposed Amendment to Germany’s Genetic Modification Act Source

  • 歐盟 (2003-12-04) REPORT on coexistence between genetically modified crops and conventional and organic crops 2003/2098(INI) Source

  • 丹麥  1st European Conference on the Co-existence of Genetically Modified Crops with Conventional and Organic Crops  Source

  • 歐盟 (2003-07) On guidelines for the development of national strategies and best  practices to ensure the coexistence of genetically modified crops with conventional and organic farming.   Source  

  • CO-EXISTENCE OF GM CROPS WITH NON-GM CROPS IN THE EU “No form of agriculture, GMO or non-GMO, should be excluded in the EU in the future”  Source 

  • 歐盟 (2002-05) Scenarios for co-existence of genetically modified, conventional and organic crops in European agriculture"   Full text [pdf, 1MB]