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  • 陳郁蕙 2004 基改生物與食品產業的經濟分析。見郭華仁、牛惠之(編) 2004 基因改造議題:從紛爭到展望。行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局,台北市,頁158 ~ 177。

  • 英國基因改造作物效益評估報告  Field Work : Weighting up  the costs and benefits of GM crops  2003


一、   目前現有之基因改造作物,對英國農民形成部分成本負擔,但亦有便利優惠;

二、   短期而言,經濟效益對英國甚為有限,因為時下基因改造作物種類範圍狹窄,不大適合英國農作條件,英國民眾接受度低,對其效益也造成限制;

三、   基因改造作物之潛在發展,未來應可提供更廣泛領域及更大利益,對農民及消費者均得其利,例如開發增加營養成分、降低過敏原對健康有益的基因改造作物,或非食用作物而應用於藥品及疫苗生產之用等;

四、   基因改造作物之整體損益得失,最終將取決於公眾接受態度,以及法規體系是否能對不確定因素之有效管理。


  • 英國農業生技評估報告 GM Science Review 結論

  1. 並無科學證據反對所有基改作物,每個案例都需要個別去研判;

  2. 目前上市的基改作物危害人體健康的風險極低;

  3. 針對將來的基改作物應該發展出安全評估技術、監控技術、與標示準則;

  4. 政府應針對某個申請案件個別審核。







K. Anderson, R. Damania and L.A. Jackson 2004  Trade, Standards, and the Political Economy of Genetically Modified Food. ( World Bank, 2004-09).  

Fernandez-Cornejo, J. and W.D. McBride Adoption of Bioengineered Crops.  (; ERS Agricultural Economic Report, USDA. 2002-05 )  

Anderson, Kym and Chantal Pohl Nielsen. GMOs, Food Safety and the Environment: What Role for Trade Policy and the WTO?  Centre for International Economic Studies, September 2000. 

Anderson, Kym; Chantal Pohl Nielsen and Sherman Robinson. Estimating the Economic Effects of GMOs: the Importance of Policy Choices and Preferences. Centre for International Economic Studies, August 2000. 

Anderson, Kym and Shunli Yao. China, GMOs, and World Trade in Agricultural and Textile Products. Centre for International Economic Studies, July 2001.

Bailey, Ronald. The Looming Trade War over Plant Biotechnology. Center for Trade Policy Studies, 2002.

Benbrook, Charles. "Who Controls and Who Will Benefit From Plant Genomics?" AAAS, February 2000.

Cadot, Olivier; Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, and Daniel Traça. Trade-Related Issues in the Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms. HEC Lausanna, December 2001.

Dutfield, Graham. " Trade, Intellectual Property and Biogenetic Resources: A Guide to the International Regulatory Framework ." ICTSD, 2002.

Genetic Resources Action International and the GAIA Foundation. "Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity: The Economic Myths." 1998.

Gopo, Joseph M. " Biosafety and Trade Issues for Developing Countries ." ICTSD, July 2001.

Isaac, Grant and Phillips, Peter. "The Biosafety Protocol and International Trade in Transgenic Canola: An Economic Assessment of the Impact on Canada." University of Connecticut and University of Massachusetts-Amherst, June 2000.

Juma, Calestous. "The New Genetic Divide: Biotechnology in a Globalizing World ." ICTSD, July 2001.

Meléndez-Ortiz, Ricardo. " The Context: Developing Countries and the Current Debate on Biotechnology, Biosafety and Trade ." ICTSD, July 2001.

Nielsen, Chantal and Kym Anderson. "Global Market Effects of Alternative European Responses to GMOs". Centre for International Economic Studies, July 2000. 

Nielsen, Chantal and Anderson, Kym. "GMOs, Trade Policy, and Welfare in Rich and Poor Countries." Center for International Economic Studies, May 2000.

Pinstrup-Anderson, Per. "Agricultural Biotechnology, Trade, and the Developing Countries." AgBioForum, Winter 1999

Tansey, Geoff. "Trade, Intellectual Property, Food and Biodiversity: Key Issues and Options for the 1999 Review of Article 27.3(b) of the TRIPS Agreement." Quaker Peace and Service, February 1999.

